Caitlin & Matt
A seat was saved.
Everyone gathered under a cloudless sky to congratulate this new couple.
Everyone gathered.
A crisp fall afternoon in South Jersey.
Caitlin was such a stunning bride who smiled all day and laughed any moment she could. Matt was handsomely dressed in his suit and couldn’t take his eyes off his bride. The Grove at Centerton was such an amazing venue to party the night away. Guests cheered, laughed, and cried. Touching heartfelt speeches started our evening off after a warming ceremony focused on love.
Surrounded by love and support these two committed to one another. Caitlin and Matt have taught me to never stop laughing. No matter what is going on, find a reason to laugh. Help one another to laugh throughout the day. What a gift one could give to another.
A bridal party of 12 to support Caitlin and Matt. Team bride was dressed in a fabulous dark green. While team groom wore dashing classic suits. A yummy cock tail hour followed by a delicious meal helped hours of fellowship continue. Stories were told all evening long.
Caitlin and Matt,
Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to celebrate you both. You are such an amazing fun loving couple. Continue to support one another and never stop making the other laugh. Come to every disagreement with an open heart and understanding mind. Come to every milestone with love and laughter.
Go have an adventure,