I think I can make it…
“I only have 30 minutes I don’t think we can really do anything.”
Anyone else see that as a challenge? I did.
“Challenge accepted, get in the truck.”
This might have sounded a little weird to some but for us, two small town kids, this was just a normal activity.
“Where are we going?”
“I have a loop and I think I can make it in 30.”
As I explained my woods ride loop I saw Mr. Cramer’s eye grow large.
“I doubt we will make it. I need to be back in town for my shift.”
The work day just ended and his EMS hobby was about to begin. But I knew I could make this loop…and well now I wanted to prove him wrong.
“We won’t make it if you keep talking, just get in the truck.”
I knew I needed to make a specific left hand turn in 10-15min to pull this off and Mr. Cramer was doubting. However, he did get in the truck and I speed off.
Anyone else have a problem with having to prove that you can do something? Just me? I will admit it is a problem and I have been working on this!
As we dodged hole after hole and splashed through puddle after puddle we chatted about the work day and random other topics. Laughing all while I was keeping an eye on my goal - get back in 30min - prove that I was right.
I made the left hand turn I needed a few moments too late. As we speed further away from town I could tell someone in the passenger seat was becoming a little antsy.
“It is going to be fine. There are only like two more turns.” I reassured.
“Sure, two more turns not in the same town.”
The Pine Barrens have become a favorite spot of ours. Once you got your license you either drove through the woods or you went to the Wawa to people watch. Most hot shots with a “new” 4x4 and a fresh license hit the woods and become the next dirt track racing star…in their mind.
Some how the blueberry sand would eventually find you and keep you humble.
This particular trip was not warp speed, but I did have a time to prove.
As the clock ticked closer and closer to shift the more doubt crept into the conversation. Until this Mr. Cramer character just started snickering.
“What’s so funny?”
“I really didn’t think you were going to pull this off. You might actually pull this off.”
“I told you I would.”
We pulled into the lot in time for him to jump out, get his vehicle, and head on his EMS way.
“Well, I am impressed. Thanks for the woods ride.”
I honestly don’t remember what else was said. I made the time - challenge completed.
Your everyday adventures do not have to be some astronomical endeavor or a bank breaking spectacular trip. Just truly live in the moment. Put your phones away. Shut down the social media. Disconnect with the “world” and reconnect with the REAL world. Those in LIVE TIME around you.
I always tell my clients to savor the moment and that’s one reason why hiring a photographer is so important. Put the phones down, LIVE THE MOMENT, and savor the time. The people. Take mental pictures.
Everything doesn’t have to be documented and published 2 hours later. Even though it seems like that is a unwritten rule……..somewhere.
Oh, it isn’t?!
Sometimes the best moments are the ones that are documented in your mind and shared only with whomever was there.
In fact. I bet most of the time the person you are blessed enough to be hanging with would not care if a moment of true intent, purpose, and pure enjoyment wasn’t documented for the whole world to see. Don’t believe me? Why not test it out this week.