Rebecca & Chris


These two are the MOST UNDERSTANDING couple I have ever worked with! I so appreciate them. We planned their engagement session for March. Then winter decided to show back up with massive cold winds. So, we rescheduled. To another date that was then flushed by massive rain! So, we rescheduled…

Going with the flow and not getting truly upset by the situation is a skill. I am quickly learning that some people have this skill naturally and some need to practice. Rebecca & Chris have this naturally. They knew that they would get their engagement session done and they trusted me to guide them for the perfect weather. I knew that as a couple if we did get caught in a rainstorm during their session these two were who I would want to be stuck with. They would 100% embrace it and we would dance in the rain.

But, we finally planned for a day with no special weather statements and it was perfect.

A couple that has love come so easily and taking life with a stress free approach are starting off with success. Rebecca and Chris make both look easy. These two love being with one another and are a down home country couple. I know their family and love them all but when I met with Rebecca and Chris I knew we would be perfect. We talked about the new truck, the struggle I was having about mine slowly dying, and their wedding day. Listening to Chris talk about Rebecca made me feel like she and I were best friends. Similar interests, outdoor hobbies, and the love for family. (Maybe we should leave the guys behind and have a girls day at the range, hmm.). Listening to Rebecca talk about Chris made me feel the sense of safety that comes from a steady man.

These two enjoy what I like to call the sweet tea life. Picture it. A cool summer evening sitting around the fire with friends not paying any mind to the time but instead paying attention to another, living the moment, and loving one another with the gift of time. The world slows down. The stress melts away. And there you are sipping a cool sweet tea with a smile.

We all need these moments. Rebecca and Chris…they know how to make these moments.

Congrats to you both. I cannot wait to celebrate you guys!


Chelsea & Steve


Anna & Matt